phpdvdprofiler installation instructions for windows (for phpdvdprofiler 2.3.13/2.4.0) Updated 2005/08/28 version 2 1. Download XAMPP from 2. Install XAMPP following its install instructions. 3. Download the latest phpdvdprofiler from 4. Extract it to C:\Program Files\xampp\htdocs (assuming you've not changed the installation directory in step 2) 5. Download jpgraph from 6. Use winzip unzip them it to C:\Program Files\xampp\htdocs\ 7. jpgraph will unzip to a directory called 'jpgraph-1.19' or something with a version number. Rename the directory so it doesn't have the version number on the end. So its just called 'jpgraph'. 8. Using your favourite editor (I'd recommend wordpad) edit C:\Program Files\xampp\htdocs\phpdvdprofiler\siteconfig.php and change the follow :- $dbuser from 'fred' to 'root' $sitetitle from "Fred's DVD Collection" to whatever you want $xmlfile 'DVDAll.xml' to 'collection.xml' assuming you're going to use the dvdprofiler default name and not the Fred name ;-) $img_physpath from 'images/' to 'C:/Program Files/InterVocative Software/DVD Profiler/IMAGES/' The case is important. $img_webpath from 'images/' to 'IMAGES/' $usejpgraph from false to true; $jpgraphlocation from '../jpgraph/' to '../jpgraph/src/' $local_lan include your local lan (for example "" and "192.168.1.") :- $local_lan = array( "192.168.1", "" ); Set $forumuser to you dvdprofiler forums user name Set $collectonurl to the public url for your collection. However, if your collection won't be publicly available, still set it, but set it to 'http://localhost/phpdvdprofiler/' Save siteconfig.php 9. Create a mysql database :- Open a dos window cd \program files\xampp\mysql\bin mysqladmin -u root create phpdvdprofiler 10. Load the phpdvdprofiler schema mysql -u root phpdvdprofiler < ..\..\htdocs\phpdvdprofiler\schema.sql 11. At this point you should be able to go to http://localhost/phpdvdprofiler/ in your browser. Obviously you'll see an empty collection. 12. In dvdprofiler do 'File->Export Profile Database'. Accept the conditions, nd select 'xml format'. Change the Output file to 'C:\Program Files\xampp\htdocs\phpdvdprofiler\collection.xml' (It will remember this in future exports). 13. Once the export has completed, in your browser, move your pointer over the 'navigation' side bar and click on 'update'. Enter the admin for both the user and password unless you also changed this in step 5. At this point you might see lots of the following errors :- Warning: mktime() [function.mktime]: Windows does not support negative values for this function in C:\Program Files\xampp\htdocs\phpdvdprofiler\incupdate.php on line 487 Warning: mktime() [function.mktime]: Windows does not support negative values for this function in C:\Program Files\xampp\htdocs\phpdvdprofiler\incupdate.php on line 529 Just ignore them. Thats what you get for using toy operating systems. Once you've clicked on the "Click here to continue to Main Page", you'll see your collection. However no images will be displayed. 13. So to get the images working do the following :- 1. Stop apache using the xampp control panel (press stop for apache. May take a few seconds). 2. using your favourite editor edit C:\Program Files\xampp\apache\conf\httpd.conf Add to the end of the file :- Alias /phpdvdprofiler/IMAGES "C:/Program Files/InterVocative Software/DVD Profiler/IMAGES/" Order allow,deny Allow from all 2a. If you use tv episode guides in the notes section, also add the following to the end of the file. It assumes your epg images are under C:/Program Files/InterVocative Software/DVD Profiler/epg :- Alias /phpdvdprofiler/epg "C:/Program Files/InterVocative Software/DVD Profiler/epg/" Order allow,deny Allow from all 3. Start apache from the xampp control panel. 4. Refresh your collection web page. Images should now be displayed. 14. You should also check the statistics link from the navigation bar to ensure that the graphs are displayed. And in theory that should be it. NOTES ----- These instructions don't require creating a new mysql or setting the mysql root password. Well thats bad if your collection is available externally. So, if your collection is going to be viewable externally, please create yourself a new mysql or set the root password. Then update the siteconfig.php with the new user/password ($dbuser/$dbpasswd).